

Our broad and balanced Computing curriculum equips pupils with the skills and knowledge required to make effective and safe use of existing technology. Pupils will be able to transfer and develop skills to the technology of the future.

There are three main strands of our Computing curriculum: Computer Science (CS), Information Technology (IT) and Digital Literacy (DL).

At Key Stage 3, all pupils are given an opportunity to explore the three main strands of the curriculum and this equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to make future decisions.

At Key Stage 4, pupils complete either OCR’s iMedia Level 1 Award (a minimum of two units are required to achieve a GCSE equivalent qualification) or Edexcel’s Functional Skills, Entry Level 1 to Level 2 qualifications (depending on their ability).

Throughout the year, pupils have the opportunity to review their learning in, identifying aspects they have learnt / can do (what went well) and their next step (even better if).

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Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 7

Digital housekeeping   Baseline Test (IT, DL & CS)

Coding  – To coincide with the Hour of Code(CS)

Online safety  Coinciding with Safer Internet Day (DL)

Multimedia Plan, create & test animation (IT, DL & CS)

Spreadsheet Modelling Working with data (IT)

Programming & Review (CS)

Year 8

Interactive Multimedia presentation (IT & DL)

Coding  To coincide with the Hour of Code (CS)

Online safety To coincide with Safer Internet Day (DL)

Hardware/Computer Systems & BBC School report (IT)

Handling data Collect, present and analyse data (IT)

Programming & Review (CS)

Year 9

Apps for Good Students will identify everyday problems which could be solved by a mobile app.   (IT, DL & CS)

Computational Thinking To coincide with the Hour of Code (CS)

Online safety Coinciding with Safer Internet Day (DL)

Computer network & internet 

(IT & DL)

Kodu Gaming – Programming


 (IT, CS & DL)


Edexcel ICT – Functional Skills (EL1 – L2)

Developing, presenting and communicating information:

(IT & DL)

Summary of Year 9 & Brief introduction to KS4 courses

Year 10

Introduction to OCR iMedia course

iMedia &   Functional skills   Coding

Online safety To coincide with safer internet

Graphics Unit: R082: Introduction   Functional skills

iMedia Coursework & Functional skills

IMedia Coursework & Functional skills

Year 11

Final coursework & Exam Preparation

Exam Preparation   Coding

Exam Preparation & Revision

Online safety Exam Preparation

Exam Preparation & Revision


Glenwood School


As a subject, Computing is one of the most fundamentally cross – curricular subjects. Pupils learn how to keep safe and build positive relationships in an online world. They also practice Maths skills while learning to program and problem solve. Pupils use literacy skills to explain their leaning and learn key vocabulary. During life skills, pupils have opportunity to explore and enhance their understanding on how control technology is used in the real world.

Communication and Advocacy   Pupils will be confident digital citizens who will have the knowledge, skills and understanding on how to use technology securely, creatively and effectively.  
Independence and Preparing for Adulthood   Pupils will be encouraged to access Computing content independently of their level, this will promote high expectations and engagement and will also result in preparing them for the wider world.  
Physical, Social and Emotional Good Health   Pupils will also understand how technology has changed the way people interact with their daily lives. social issues that can affect users of ICT, including the use and abuse of personal and private data. They will also Understand the main aspects of legislation in place example copyright and data protection act.  

Glenwood School – Values in our Curriculum








Where you will see it in

  • We will show respect for the learning environment by making sure we are focusing on the task we have been challenged with.
  • We will treat equipment and resources with care to keep ourselves and others safe.
  • We will listen carefully and with respect to the thoughts and ideas of others.
  • We will consider using the ideas of others even if they might be different to our own to improve outcomes.