Food Tech


Food is taught from Year 7 through to Year 11. As it is a practical subject, pupils have opportunities to learn and practise a variety of techniques that will empower them to make healthy dishes and give pupils the confidence to achieve a good result using different skills, and techniques that can be implemented and carried forward throughout their lessons and beyond. 

Food technology draws from subjects all across the curriculum.  For example, many mathematical skills are refined, such as weighing, measuring, analysing shapes and division.  Additionally, literacy skills are developed as following recipes improves the pupils’ reading ability, comprehension and language expertise.  Moreover, the pupils learn how to evaluate and analyse each other’s work.  Furthermore, the PSHE syllabus is enriched because the pupils investigate cultural foods and religion and dietary choices. Scientific knowledge is also acquired for the pupils study the chemical reactions in cooking.

At the beginning of Key Stage 3 pupils, learn preparation skills, the importance of hygiene and how to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Knife skills are introduced and pupils are taught how use correct knife techniques. Pupils will have the opportunity to use the oven, grill and hob safely, which additionally boosts their confidence to produce a range of dishes whilst utilising a range of heat sources and equipment to do so.

Pupils will create a portfolio of dishes.  Focus is on healthy foods and snacks that can be made easily, hygienically and efficiently. 

During Key stage four pupils engage in BTEC Level Two in Home Cooking skills.  This award allows the pupils to investigate healthy and special diets as well as to cook a variety of savoury and sweet dishes.  An evidence folder of their work is compiled to celebrate their achievements.

Students are encouraged to explore new and unusual tasting flavours in order to inspire a lifelong positive attitude towards experiencing new things.  Similarly, they will be equipped with the practical skills and knowledge required in order to live as independently as possible.

As a subject Food technology encompasses many aspects of our school curriculum.  Pupils practice maths by time keeping, weighing, using digital and balance scales, measuring, adding, dividing and shaping. English is applied to read recipes, write evaluations, science is used by looking at reactions in recipes and how foods change. PSHE is covered by looking at different celebrations, festivals and investigating diet choices through religion and culture.


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 7


Using the oven and scales

Healthy eating

Introduction to safe knife skills

Staple food

Religion and Culture

Year 8

Revisit Hygiene

Food, religion and culture

Eggs and food labelling

Staple foods

Staple foods

Food Labeling

Year 9

Revisit safe knife skills and hygiene

Where are food comes from

Farming and agriculture

Staple foods

Food labelling

Storing food

Year 10

Introduction to the BTec level 2 Award. Carbohydrates

Soups and snacks

Pastry. Grilled dishes

Breads – pizzas and bread recipes

Baking – cakes

One pot snacks

Year 11

Seasonal foods

Batch Cooking

Stir fry and curry

Complete BTec

Lunch ideas for college



Communication and Advocacy   Pupils will be encouraged to express their likes and dislikes, and share their ideas with each other.  Pupils will exercise their cultural and religious beliefs around food choices, respecting choices made by others.  
Independence and Preparing for Adulthood   Pupils will learn how to make homemade, healthy dishes, practicing safe food preparations, hygiene and correct storage of foods. They will learn how to budget and make independent choices which promote a healthy lifestyle.  
Physical, Social and Emotional Good Health   Pupils will explore the benefit of a healthy and balanced diet, and how this contributes to overall good health. Pupils will learn how food is used to celebrate occasions and festivals, respecting cultural differences.    

Glenwood School – Values in our Curriculum

Food Technology







Where you will see it in my subject

– We will respect each other and listen carefully to one another.
– We will respect equipment and look after each other to keep everyone safe.