
Spring Term 2024/2025

KS3 Parents’ Evening

Enrichment Day

Y11 Imperial War Museum Trip

KS4 Parents’ Evening

After School Clubs

Club reply slip

Residential Activity (not applicable to Y11)

Safer Internet Day

Autumn Term 2024/2025

Online Safety

Enrichment Day – Scotland

Aspire, Achieve Feedback

Y11 future careers meetings

Y10 future careers meetings

Y10 Exam access arrangements

Y9 Learning Records Service

Y7 Aspire, Achieve

Y10 & 11 Options letter

Y10 & 11 Options Information

Y11 PHSRE letter

Y11 PHSRE Overview

Y10 PHSRE letter

Y10 PHSRE Overview

Y9 PHSRE letter

Y9 PHSRE Overview

Y8 PHSRE letter

Y8 PHSRE Overview

Y7 PHSRE letter

Y7 PHSRE Overview

Summer Term 2023/2024

Leave of Absence changes

End of Year

New Y7 End of Year

Parent/Carers Survey – letter

Parent/Carers Survey

Y10 Post 16 Transfer Preference

Sports Day

Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly

Aspire, Achieve

Modeshift Stars

Indonesia Day

KS3 Parents’ Evening

HCC Vaccinations

Spring Term 2023/2024

Club reply slip

After School Clubs

Subject Overviews

Y11 Exam arrangements

School Closures 7.3.24

School Closures

Y10 Futures Week

School Closures

World Book Day

Enrichment Day

Y11 Prom

Aspire, Achieve Days

Safer Internet Day

KS4 Parents’ Evening

Autumn Term 2023/2024

Parent Governor

Calendar dates

Christmas Lunch 2023

Y7 Parents’ evening 27.9.23

Y7 PHSE 7.9.23

Y7 PHSE Overview

Y8 PHSE 7.9.23

Y8 PHSE Overview

Y9 PHSE 7.9.23

Y9 PHSE Overview

Y10 PHSE 7.9.23

Y10 PHSE Overview

Y11 PHSE 7.9.23

Y11 PHSE Overview

Summer Term 2022/2023

Youth vaping letter to schools 2023-07-18

Activities week

BeeWell Programme


Report letter 3.7.23

Careers Week Y10

Solar boat trip 15.6.23 RS

Results Day Letter 23

Food information

Y11 assembly letter

Sports day

Paultons Park Y11

Cultural Capital Day Egypt

Coronation celebrations

Parents evening KS3 26.4.23

Survey letter

Parent survey 2023

Prom letter 2023

Club letter

Spring Term 2022/2023

Sponsored assault course

uniform letter

Y11 Mock Interviews

Disco #2 2.3.23

Safer internet day 5.1.23

FSM registration and pupil premium Jan 23.doc

Teachers Strike 2.03.23

Teachers strike 23.01.23

Y10 WEX 26.1.23

Y11 transitionYr 11 transition form

Internet safety letterCultural Capital Day 1.2.23

NHS HPV Parent Letter

Exam Timetable

Year 11 Exams

Autumn Term 2022/2023

Glenwood’s got talentStrep A letter 7.12.22Talent show

Y10 access arrangements

Raffle letter 17.11.22

Communications 17.11.22

Winchester science centre 19.10.22

School meals new menu & price 13.10.22

Menu April-October 2022

SCOPAY info 6.10.22

Privacy Notice info

Y9 privacy notice 8.10.22

Y7 Parents’ evening 29.9.22

Governor poster

Disco 29.9.22

Holiday RequestsAcceptable use ICT agreement 15.9.22ICT and Internet acceptable use agreement documentS&L Therapy ltr 12.9.22S&L Consent formCommunication & interaction infoSchool Closure 19th SeptemberAfter School ClubsAfter School Clubs Reply SlipY10 PHSE Overview of curriculum objectivesY10 PHSE 8.9.22Y9 PHSE Overview of curriculum objectivesY9 PHSE 8.9.22Y8 PHSE Overview of curriculum objectivesY8 PHSE 8.9.22Y& PHSE Overview of curriculum objectivesY7 PHSE 8.9.22

Summer Term 2021/2022

Y10 options 20.7.22End of year letter 18.7.22Heatwave 14.7.22Activities week drama 7.7.22Activities week 7.7.22Year 10 leavers letterSports day 26.5.22Disco 9.6.22Y11 assemblyAfter school clubs 6.6.22Connect4communities 27.5.22Poultons Park reply slipPoultons Park Y11 ltrY10 Work Experience 19.5.22School Platinum Jubilee CelebrationsSummer Menu revision 28.4.22

Spring Term 2021/2022

Attendance letter 9.3.21College and WEX updateHampshire South Downs College Y11 12.2.21HFOS Virtual Careers Fair 2021 – Teacher GuideHome test kits 15.3.21HPV Parent Letter March 2021Pupil survey letterTeenage Booster Parent Letter 2021 GlenwoodY9 immunisationsY11 mock interviews 11.3.21Survey letter 24.3.22Parent survey 2022School Meals 24.3.22Menu April-October 2022Y11 post 16 destinations 24.3.22Y11 post 16 destination formYr8 Trip to Portchester castle/Permission FormRock your socks 17.3.22Prom letter 2022Prom 22 reply slipend of summer term change 10.3.22Y11 National Careers Week – parentsY11 National Careers Week – pupilsMichelle Donelan MP – Parent’s Letter for National Careers Week Michelle Donelan MP – Student Letter for National Careers Week.Y11 careers fair 7.3.22Connect4communitiesY8 HPVReadathonHome Reading LogY7 PHSEY7 PHSE change 10.2.22Explore safely onlineSchool closures 10.2.22World book day 10.2.22Cultural Capital Day PolandCovid Closure Jan 22Parents and Carers quick guide to in game chatParents Carers activity sheet gamingSafer internet day 20.1.22Covid Update Jan 2022Y11 WEXY11 mock interviews 7.2.22Y11 College Open Evening

After School ClubsClub reply slip

Club reply slip

Autumn Term 2021/2022

Covid Letter 22.11.21Zoolab KS3 15.11.21Summer exams Y10&Y11SchoolAttendanceLeafletHCCChildren in NeedLetter from Education Secretary re VaccinesSponsor Form CINY10 & Y11 HumanitiesMenu letter to parents Oct 21Cultural capital dayParent governorY8 Overview of curriculum objectivesY8 PHSEY7 Overview of curriculum objectivesY7 PHSEY11 Overview of curriculum objectivesY11 PHSEY10 Overview of curriculum objectivesY10 PHSEY9 Overview of curriculum objectivesY9 PHSECOVID-19 Consent FormCOVID LeafletCOVID-19 Parent Letter 2021SALT permissionSALT information leaflet to go with letterFlu Parent letter 2021Welcome back letter 7.9.21Option Choices FormOptions 8.9.21

School Term 2020/2021

Summer 2021 newsletterY11 results day 20.7.21Parent survey 15.7.21Parent Survey letter 15.7.21Safeguarding Briefing – 5th July 2021Activities-week-24.6.21Sports dayCultural-capital-dayY11-leaver-infoOfsted-report-21.4.21Team-event-31.3.21sponsor-formY11-post-16-destinations-29.3.21-1Year-11-Leaver-Form